
Year 2014
Agency Heye


Say it with McDonalds

Sometimes life makes it hard to ask for a favour, to share a moment, or to say „I love you“ -  „I miss you“. We wanted to make sharing moments easier.

We developed a platform that lets you say „thank you“ or share a special moment with your friend in an easy way.
Take a picture, add a message, choose your friend, add your McDonalds product and send it– it’s simple as that. The picture you sent will not only be a gesture of friendship but also a voucher.

Whatever you want to say: from asking for a favour, telling someone you have a crush on them or simply thank your sister for being there, McDonalds connects a moment or feeling with a real product and makes telling people that you think about them easier.

Thus we created an emotional bond between the moment and McDonalds. Along the lines of „Share your moment. Say it with McDonalds.“

Most of the things and special moments don’t happen to us at home in front of the computer but outside on the streets.
With our Smartphones we have the possibility to capture these moments, take pictures and share them. That’s why mobile is the most important channel for  „Say it with McDonalds.“

The shared moments will also be featured on a public site and will be ready to not only be shared with the recipient but also with all your friends on the most popular Social Media Channels.